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Fishing Tips: Nature's Classroom - Learn From Your Bad Sessions

Written by Grayson Fong. It’s an all too familiar scenario, gear is packed, boat is ready, weather is perfect. The anticipation adrenalin pumps through your veins all night it unsettles your sleep, dreaming of hooking your target species with a glimmer of hope it’s your all time best.

On water, conditions are exceptional. Light winds, perfect drift speed, GPS track marked…. it’s going to be a great day! Time passes fast, your reflexes waiting for that first strike and the fish’s first powerful run, just dying to hear that drag scream…. but where are the fish?? Minutes pass between bites, your motivation is still high. Minutes turn into quarter hours then into halves hours then joining into full hours, you can feel your motivation taking hits like Eddie Alverez in UFC 205….But the bell you hear isn’t for the end of the round, it’s to say ‘class is starting’ in nature’s classroom.

Nature’s classroom is a school not for the gifted, not for the intellectually stalled, but it’s there to reward the person who invests their time and mind power into sourcing it’s answers by constantly asking questions. Using nature’s energy to broaden your mind to push your mind that little further in the everlasting search for achievement.

The old proverb ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss’ can be a perfect depiction of an ideal fisherman’s mindset, where moss can be seen as unwanted growth that stagnates an evolving mind. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop, stunting it’s maturity and allowing bad thoughts to consume it. This pattern isn’t becoming of a good angler but one of a less adaptable one.



So using your bad sessions as a learning tool is the best education you will ever receive in the most modern, up to date and rewarding classroom known to humans. Taking mental notes of tidal times and flow patterns, water temperatures in different parts of the waterways and more importantly water activity for example bait presence, surface rumblings and even bird action. All these notes will eventually add up over time to formulate vital bank of information that can be priceless to any avid angler.

The human body’s five fundamental senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch (probably save ‘taste’ for lunch time!) can be used when out on the water to help you tune into a pattern of more rewarding fishing rather than your mind space being occupied with poisonous thoughts of how bad your session is going.

Always remember ‘the greatest rewards come from the greatest commitment’. So when investing your precious time into your fishing be sure you get the most out of it and always remember to concentrate when in nature’s classroom…


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