Magseal Technology: An essential Kayak companion – Dale Baxter
There are so many advantages of fishing out of a kayak, stealth approach, access to skinny water, being able launch anywhere, shallow flats and the list goes on. I have had some of my best fishing where you can’t get a boat into and landing big fish in shallow water is always great fun. Unfortunately there is a down side to fishing from a kayak and that is that your gear, especially your reels, get put through some of the toughest conditions notably when the wind gets up, it makes keeping things dry in the kayak basically impossible.
I remember travelling back across Sydenham inlet in the 2012 Daiwa Hobie Bream Kayak Grand Final at Bemm River in Victoria and the wind was blowing pretty hard from the South West. We tried to prepare for the onslaught but no matter how you went about it you would get massive waves over the front of the yak. The main problem with this is that in the Hobie PA14 your reels sit basically on the floor of the kayak and with so much water coming over the top they were soaked.

The reels I had at the time were good quality Daiwa reels however they were missing the one technology that I think is a must have if you fish from a kayak. Magseal, this technology was introduced to the world of fishing reels by Daiwa back in 2010 in their ground breaking Certate reel that year.
“Sealed to perfection and with unrivalled rotor protection thanks to Magseal the Certate was the dream combination of strength, security, smoothness and refinement. Heavy duty design quality blessed with unmatched finesse and light tackle sensitivity Magseal delivered a giant leap forward for the legendary Certate, and cemented Magseal as one of the biggest innovations in reel design”.
One thing I noticed with my older reels when put under extreme conditions was how quickly they started to feel a bit average, and the service and upkeep required to keep them performing was something that was mandatory rather than good maintenance. However all my current reels have the magseal technology and I believe this has made my reels stay in pristine condition, all the time no matter what conditions I put them through.

I have the confidence that now when my reels get wet, they will still perform as they should and this can mean the difference of landing that big fish or much needed upgrade. The last thing you want to happen especially when fishing in a tournament is for your equipment to fail and the best way to prevent it is to be prepared by having the right equipment to get the job done.

This doesn’t have to cost you the earth either as Daiwa’s MagSeal now extends across a majority of the range, even the 2015 Freams models come with this great new technology. If you want to get more out of your equipment then get the right ones for the job.

If you fish out of a kayak or spend plenty days in the wet a magseal reel should be a must. To find out more about magseal checkout: