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21 Saltist MQ

From RRP $409.00

21 Saltist MQ

From RRP $409.00

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With a brand-new single piece aluminium Monocoque (MQ) body, the new Saltist MQ reel is now better equipped than ever to take on the rigors of Australian saltwater fishing and the hard fighting fish that call Australia home. 

Arguably one of Daiwa’s most famous features, Magseal combines with the MQ body to make Saltist MQ one of the best protected reels from the harsh environment Daiwa has ever produced. The single piece Monocoque (MQ) body houses a larger diameter Tough Digigear transferring all of that power delivered through the handle to your line, ultimately stopping those.....Read More >

Strength, Power, Durability

Strength, Power, Durability

Engineered to deliver a strong a tough small spinning reel to fish our coastal estuaries or rivers, or large spinning reel suited to casting lures and dropping baits for reef species and pelagics.
