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24 Leobritz 400J

RRP $999.00

24 Leobritz 400J

RRP $999.00

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Experience Daiwa’s innovative technology with the Leobritz 400J Electric Reel. Weighing in at just 560g, this lightweight reel offers ample line capacity of PE4-400m and PE 5-300m, making it perfect for a variety of fishing scenarios.

Featuring a one-handed JOG power lever, ensuring comfortable and effortless operation. The Leobritz 400J features Daiwa’s BRITZ motor concept, a powerful brushed motor that delivers instant power when engaged. Despite its small size, the BRITZ motor is robust and offers high torque, providing surprising amounts of lifting power and strength.

Equipped with Daiwa’s ATD drag system, Leobritz 400J provides smooth and.....Read More >



Equipped with Daiwa’s ATD drag system, Leobritz 400J provides smooth and consistent drag pressure. The dot LCD screen offers excellent visibility in all lighting conditions, allowing you to keep track of your line with ease.
