Signing Up
The D.Y.F.C program is open to all children aged from 3-17 years of age.
1. We strive for children to learn about nature and experiencing the importance of life through fishing.
2. We strive to increase the opportunities for children to come into contact with nature by educating and encouraging safe and enjoyable fishing activities.
D.Y.F.C enrolments involve a paid membership cost of $10 AUD per member and membership will be valid for a period of 2 years. Register now!
Renewal of memberships will cost $10 AUD per member and is valid for 2 years.
You can join online at or at Daiwa D.Y.F.C events.
You can read all of the terms and conditions online at
What you get
Each new D.Y.F.C member will receive an exclusive D.Y.F.C sign-up pack with the following D.Y.F.C branded items:

D.Y.F.C Hat

Measure Mat

Sticker Pack

5 x Digital Collector Cards
Member Benefits
Members of D.Y.F.C will be given many exclusive benefits, they include the following
D.Y.F.C Sign-Up Pack

Access to the D.Y.F.C website section encompassing:
Monthly Online Photo Derby
Fishing Education
Annual D.Y.F.C Fishing Competition
Safety & Water Safety
Exclusive D.Y.F.C Digital Collector Cards
Environment & Sustainability Practices
Monthly Member Emails
Tips n Tricks

1. Do not fish in places where fishing is prohibited or dangerous.
2. Never go fishing during heavy rains, waves, strong winds and warnings.
3. Fishing should be done with adults and parents.
4. Do not fish in a way that causes trouble to others.
5. When you finish fishing, be sure to clean the surroundings and take your trash home with you.
Collect Them All
Participate in D.Y.F.C Events and earn exclusive D.Y.F.C Digital Collector Cards. Each card comes with useful information that can be used catch more fish. There are over 100 numbered cards to collect so get out there and enjoy the outdoors!!

85 Fish Species Cards + Limited Edition Releases

Achievement Cards

15 Knot Tying / How to Cards
Know your Species
It is very important that you learn about the different fish species available in your area and the rules and regulations that apply when fishing for them. Each fish species will have a size and bag limit to let you know what you can and can’t keep. This will vary in each state so please check out the useful links below for all of the up to date information you need.

Check out your state’s information below:
Some states also require a fishing license too so always make sure yours is up to date if required!!

Safety near the water
Whilst you are out enjoying the outdoors and fishing it is very important to make sure you are doing it safely.
Here are some tips to help you with safety near the water:
• Always check the conditions before you go fishing. Never go fishing during heavy rains, waves, strong winds and warnings.
• Wear a life jacket/PFD: A life jacket will keep you afloat in the water if you fall in so you can be rescued easily.
• Always protect yourself from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Stay sunsmart and wear your D.Y.F.C hat, apply sunscreen and wear some sunglasses.
• Never fish alone. Fishing is best enjoyed with others so always go out with your parents or friends.
• Avoid dangerous areas such as slippery or sharp rocks, high or steep riverbanks.
• If you are in the tropics, you should always stay alert and be crocwise.
• Be careful when handling fish, baiting hooks and tying on lures.