DAIWA FISHING TIPS: Brogo Bass – Andrew Badullovich
My good pal, Paul Seward caught this 39 fork length bass out of Brogo Dam, NSW.
Paul used a Gen’ Black Pinster for short, accurate casts toward and among weed-beds and snag structure.
The pinster is a great rod for Brogo bass, as it also boasts enough power to drag the bass away from cover.
Brogo a picturesque fishery and is the most southern stocked Australian bass impoundment. Fish of 40cm are considered trophies as the majority swim over the spillway when mature. Regular stockings ensure a healthy population of bass, and it is common to catch numbers into the double figures count on a good session.
Because the fish are not overly huge, 6lb braid and an 6 to 8lb FC leader will have you covered for most situations within Brogo Dam.