DAIWA PRODUCT FOCUS: “Catching” colours (Midnight Trout) – Andrew Badullovich
When it comes to lures, they say funky colours catch anglers – not fish. I disagree with this saying, as I believe that you can increase your chances of catching a fish if you select the appropriate colour lure for your given scenario…even if the colour seems to be from “left field”.
One colour that has certainly caught my eye was the Midnight Trout from the Daiwa range of lures. More to the point, the midnight trout colour in the Wise Minnow 50SP pattern. Not only was I taken by the vividness of this colour, I knew of one particular scenario where this colour would excel!
My local estuary plays host to a handful of mud-flats; and at low tide, are littered with purple coloured fiddler crabs. The crabs have a similar profile to the wise minnow, and I had a feeling that the bream that feed on the mud flats at high tide would take the wise minnow for a purple fiddler crab.
I simply cranked the lure slowly across the flat, incorporating a short pause every three cranks of the reel handle. The lure grubbed the bottom now and then, which added to the natural appeal of this presentation. It was evident that the colour made the difference, as my mate who was fishing alongside of me didn’t have the same success as me, and he was using the same tactics and lure, but in a different colour. He began to catch his share of fish the moment he changed his colour to the Midnight Trout.
I know of other anglers who have had similar success with this lure, so be sure to give it a crack.
![catching colours Midnight Trout 02](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0060/3770/0678/products/catching-colours-Midnight-Trout-02.jpg?v=1547616564)