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Posted 31th October 2024

How to Enjoy a Lifetime of Fishing

How to Enjoy a Lifetime of Fishing
How to Enjoy a Lifetime of Fishing

By Taka Kawasaki

From a young age, fishing has been a constant in my life. My father was deeply involved in largemouth bass tournaments in the USA, and some of my earliest and fondest memories are of fishing with him. I still remember those scorching hot summer days at Lake Biwa in Japan, fishing for largemouth bass. One particularly memorable experience was when I fell out of a bass boat and floated on the lake, enjoying the cold water in my PFD. These moments, funny as they were, shaped my love for fishing and taught me that it’s more than just a hobby—it’s a family activity.

When I was growing up weekends weren’t about playing video games or going to the park; they were about grabbing a rod and heading out to the local river or lake. As I got older and learned how to catch public transport or ride my push bike, my fishing adventures expanded. I began exploring the ocean and pontoons, chasing fish I could take home to show the family. Fishing was my way of contributing to our family time, and those experiences became the foundation of who I am today.

Family holidays meant fishing offshore on a boat, jigging for reef species with rods and reels twice the size of what I use now. Learning how to jig with sore shoulders is a memory that will always stay with me. These experiences taught me resilience and perseverance—skills that have served me well, both in life and in my career.

Having experienced fishing from such a young age, it’s no surprise that I’ve carried this passion with me into adulthood. Today, I’m fortunate to work for one of the most reputable brands in the fishing industry—Daiwa. I’m also a father of three, and my children have inherited my passion for fishing. They hear me talk about it so much that they now know what a Double Clutch is and can even recognize the colors of Infeet rods. Fishing isn’t just something I do; it’s a part of who I am, and it’s something I’m proud to share with my family.

At Daiwa, family is at the core of what we do. Many of our talented anglers involve their families in their fishing lives, and we’ve created programs like the Daiwa Youth Fishing Club (DYFC) to encourage the next generation of anglers. The DYFC allows young anglers to learn the ropes of fishing and even compete in online tournaments each year. I recently participated in one of these tournaments with my own children. While the results may not have been stellar, the memories we made and the smiles on their faces are something I’ll never forget. I hope they feel the same.

I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by people with a similar mindset. Grayson Fong, a father figure at Daiwa, is one such person. His two children love fishing as much as he does. I remember seeing them at a tournament weigh-in, eagerly waiting for their dad to return with his catch. The first thing they asked him wasn’t about ice cream or toys; they wanted to know if they could go fishing as soon as he was done. Their excitement wasn’t about material things; it was about spending time together, doing something they love.

Last year, I had a similar experience at Mallacoota during tournament season. Having my family waiting for me at the boat ramp after a long day of fishing was priceless. Despite being exhausted and knowing I still had to rig up for the next day, seeing them made all the fatigue disappear. It was even more special when they stood by me in the pouring rain at the Grand Final, waiting as I was awarded my Angler of the Year trophy and won the Grand Final. They didn’t care how wet or fishy I was; all they wanted was to give me the warmest hug. That’s a memory I’ll cherish forever.

Another family that stands out is Sam Gilchrist and his son, Roly. Sam is a well-known fisherman from Coffs Harbour, having caught almost every species of fish in Australia—except for a big bream (sorry, Sam). He’s taken Roly on countless fishing adventures, from inshore to offshore, and even to barra dams. Daiwa was fortunate enough to have them both at the AFTA Trade Show for the past two years. The knowledge and passion they bring to our brand are invaluable. The bond they share as father and son is something every fishing parent would envy. To be honest, I think Roly has caught more species and bigger fish than I have in my lifetime. I can only hope that my son and I can build the same kind of bond.

There are so many more Daiwa families to mention—Darren Weda and his boys, Brenton Mostert and his boys, our Sales Manager Joe Tabboule, and his young family, and of course, our General Manager Greg Seeto and his children. Our Marketing Manager, Brett Habener, and his little boy, Finn, are also getting into the mix, as is Product Planner John Murdaca, who has started taking his little boy out fishing.

Daiwa isn’t just a fishing brand; we’re a family. So, if you’re on the fence about whether to take your children fishing, don’t hesitate—just do it. The time you share and the memories you make will be something you can never replace.

If you need help getting started, join the DYFC, where you’ll find tons of useful information. With warmer weather fast approaching, now’s the perfect time to plan a family fishing day. The cost is minimal, but the joy and connection you’ll experience are priceless. All you need is a happy face and a love for nature—both of which are free for all.

Fishing is not just a sport, something anyone and everyone enjoy including you and your family.

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