2024 Annual Tournament is now open!
The third D.Y.F.C. Annual Tournament is nearly here! Running from the 25th March - 25th May with over $7,000 worth of prizes on offer.
25 species have been chosen to allow young anglers Australia wide to participate. The competition is run using the D.Y.F.C. App so members can enter their catches on the water and track their progress on the live leaderboards.
Sign up to D.Y.F.C before 25th of March to be a part of the 2024 D.Y.F.C Annual Tournament!
To Enter

Catch a fish, take two photos (1 x your catch on your D.Y.F.C Measure Mat, 1 x you holding your catch while wearing your D.Y.F.C hat)
Submit your catch (along with catch details) into the D.Y.F.C Fishing App.

All images submitted will be posted on the D.Y.F.C website and will be visible to both D.Y.F.C members and non-members.
Join the Action
Target Species
25 species have been chosen to allow anglers Australia wide to participate.

Prize winners for the Biggest Fish in each Species Category and a Prize for the Best Overall Angler and Runner-up Overall Angler (Combined Best Length of All Species).

2024 Leaderboard
2023 Catches
Check out our Monthly Photo Derby!
The photo derby is open Australia Wide for all D.Y.F.C members, simply take a photo and submit your image online.
More Info

- Do not fish in places where fishing is prohibited or dangerous.
- Never go fishing during heavy rains, waves, strong winds and warnings.
- Fishing should be done with adults and parents.
- Do not fish in a way that causes trouble to others.
- When you finish fishing, be sure to clean the surroundings and take your trash home with you.